Thursday, February 3, 2011


*This post is inspired by Pink's song Fucking Perfect*

I sometimes don't get why some people try so hard to be perfect...i used to be one of them. I don't know why or what is it that i want to get from being perfect.
  • Impress my mum??? Maybe...
  • Stepping out of my sister's shadow??? Probably...
  • Make my dad proud??? -__-
  • To find myself??? nah!!!!
Then something happened...i began to question what is PERFECT. I went around and observe. This is what i find....
  • My PERFECT cup of coffee is black with sugar, but my sister she prefer to have it with milk..that is her PERFECT cup.
  • My room is PERFECT with all the mess and the little tidiness that it holds, but my mum wants it to be PERFECT (tidy) all the time.
  • My PERFECT manicure/pedicure is when i put on some striking/ bold colour on, my mum & sister prefer pastel colour to them it's the PERFECT colour.
  • Life is PERFECT to me when i can do what i want..when i want it ( i like to take my time, one little step at a time) my dad a PERFECT life is a life that have a future...
  • To me the PERFECT outfit is Jeans and T-shirt (even to church ;P) to my mum there is a PERFECT outfit for every occasion (avoid Jeans and T-shirt to church).
So what is the point of all this???? Well, I figure something out. The true meaning of PERFECT. It doesn't have all depends on the person that is asking what the meaning of PERFECT is. So, what is PERFECT to me might be FLAWS to others. So what...I'M PERFECT TO ME!!!! To hell with you....So what happened after i figured this all out???
  • Did I impress my mum??? Could be...
  • Did I stepped out of my sister's shadow??? Absolutely...
  • Did I made my dad proud??? In more than one way....
  • Did I find myself??? Definitely...
So for those out there that is still what I do, it might help. It's not that complicated and the end result is this I raise my glass to your success in trying...Cheers

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