Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hello 2013...

This is my first post this'll probably be my only post. Still to early to say so, we got a whole year ahead of us. 
To start us off....let us have a complete 2012 round-up.
1. I completed my goodreads book challenge. Officially read 100 books *bowing with an arrogant smirk*
2. The world didn't end...*suckers*
3. Had a full house for Christmas...all 14 of us were present and counted for.
4. I did good things *i and there...right???*
5. Taylor Swift release a new album *ear to ear grin*.
6. Final season of House...our life is slightly empty. Where are we gonna get that kind of sarcasm from now.
7. A thorn in our side is officially removed. Breathing is easy again.
8. I'm actually home during the fruit season.

That is all that I could remember for now. So now, off to what 2013 is going to be about.

1. I'm going to fly a kite. I don't know when, where or how but I'm going to fly a kite.

That is all I know. It's pathetic, believe me I know. But it's only been a week since 2013 arrived. I'll think of something (O.O), I always do.

Cheers for 2013, may it be as smooth and bumpy at all the right places as 2012.

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